ColorPic is a small but powerful free utility for Windows. This program has been designed to give people, working with colors (designers, artists, developers, etc.), an easy-to-use and helpful color picker tool. This application is divided into five sections (Palettes, Chips, Color, Mixer, and Magnify), all of which can be easily opened and closed by just clicking on the small arrow icons next to them. In fact, the whole interface can be minimized, maximized, resized up to our own taste. From the Palette option, we can select any of these palettes (Empty, Basic Colors, Grayscale, Red WebSafe Shades, Yellow WebSafe Shades, Green WebSafe Shades, Blue WebSafe Shades and Magenta WebSafe Shades). Alternatively, we can create and customize our own palette. We can manage palettes by adding new ones, editing or deleting them. The Chips feature provides a location to grab and copy the specific color pixel that we have selected with our mouse cursor. From the Color section, we can view the color, its name, RGB value, and WebSafe color code and copy it to the clipboard. The Mixer option, which is a new feature in ColorPic 4.1, lets us mix the selected pixel with any other pixel in the Hex, Rainbow, Hue or Sliders palettes. The application gives us detailed information about the Hue, Saturation, Red, Green and Blue values. The Magnify option provides a magnifier (x2 up to x36) so pixels can be seen in all details with the possibility to view Hi-Lite/Grid in the magnification area, and adjust the magnifier color sample size in pixels from 1 to 5 points. ColorPic 4.1 runs under Windows Vista, XP, and 2000. ColorPic 4 is still available for those of us with older versions.
Cyotek Palette Editor allows you to create and work with colour palettes.
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